Bazaar Artist Directory
Click on a vendor profile below to access the ways to purchase from them.
Learn more about our Artists by reading spotlight articles on them in the Cultural Survival Quarterly Magazine.
Listen to our Hecho a Mano podcast (en espanol)
Participating Artists & Vendors at the Prudential Center
A Thread of Hope
Afra Kashmir
Afri-root Collective
Antiguas Maravillas
Arte Plumario Kozamalotl
Artesanias y Cafemedinasa
Domingo Wire Works
Eve and Nico Gifts and Home Decor Everest Wings
Fine Kenyan Crafts & Accessories
Ganna Nepyivoda
GuateMaya Art and Culture Connection
Hebron Glass
Himalayan Naari
Katarina Doda Jewelry
Madagascar Creations
Mayamam Weavers
Nodirjon Kattaev
Ockway Bay Wampum
Papel Amate Otomí de México
Philbert Begay
Project Have Hope
Retablos Palomino & Jimenez
Serzhankz Bashirov
Taleo Handmade
Tarin Andrea Designs
Timoteo Ccartia
US Sherpa
Uzbek Traditional Hand Embroidery
Yuv Textiles
Yarina Threads